66th Annual Production Sale

April, 7th 2025

1:00 pm Central Standard Time 

2335 10th Rd. Lorraine KS 67459


Selling: 120 Bulls

The Program Driven by Data

This year we are introducing the Igenity® Beef Profile as another tool to evaluate our herd. In our catalog you will have EPDs, DNA and Igenity® scores to help you in your selection process. Included with the Igenity® scores will be each animals BCHF Breeding rank.


Igenity® BCHF is a genomic test that estimates an animal’s genetic risk for heart failure. Results are provided on a scale of 1–10 and correspond to percentage of BCHF risk. By DNA testing cattle for BCHF, producers can confidently identify animals with the genetics to improve bovine heart health. To select animals that will produce progeny with the best heart health, a lower score is more favorable and a score of 1 is most desirable.


Featuring five bulls that are 10 for Marbling and a 10 for Tenderness, which is in the top .3 Percentile Rank.

    Gardens Endeavor FE9 reg. 20894381




     Gardens Blackhawk F84 reg. 20894458


    Gardens Endeavor F084  reg. 20894352



Gardens Endeavor F286 reg. 20894366

    Gardens Venture G268 reg. 20996444

Definitions of Igenity DNA Table and Indexes


A score of 5.95 to 10.0 is considered to be in the Elite Tier. Best of the best. These cattle rank
genetically superior to 75% of Igenity tested cattle

Igenity Maternal Index (IMI): Igenity Maternal Index is designed to select replacement heifers for fertility, longevity and higher weaned calf weight. It is a tool developed for producers who sell calves at weaning or after a short backgrounding period.

Igenity Production Index (IPI): The Igenity Production Index is well balanced for maternal, production and carcass progeny traits. It is designed for producers who raise their own heifers and want broad improvement across multiple traits.

Igenity Terminal Index (ITI): The Igenity Terminal Index is specialized to identify animals with superior carcass performance. It places the highest emphasis on hot carcass weight, followed by marbling and rib eye area. There is, however, a negative emphasis placed on residual feed intake and fat thickness to control feed costs.


Birth Weight (BW): Lower Value is Desired. This is the variation in birthweight a heifer or bull will pass along to its offspring.

Calving Ease Direct (CED): Higher Value is Desired. Percentage of unassisted births, indicating greater probability that a calf will be born unassisted out of a first calf heifer.

Calving Ease Maternal (CEM): Higher Value is Desired. Includes all genetic factors that impact a first-calf heifer’s ability to calve unassisted.

Docility (DOC): Higher Value is Desired. The animal’s genetic potential to be calm or have calm offspring.

Heifer Pregnancy Rate (HPR): Higher Value is Desired. A heifer’s chance of conceiving over a normal breeding season.

Stability (STAY): Higher Value is Desired. The chance a heifer will remain in the herd as a productive cow until at least six years of age.


Average Daily Gain (ADG): Higher Value is Desired. Based on the pounds of gain per day. The Igenity score identifies an animal;s genetic potential for post-weaning growth.

Residual Feed Intake (RFI): Lower Value is Desired: This measure is an indicator of feed efficiency. It is the difference in animal’s daily consumption of fed to achieve the same level of daily gain.

Weaning Weight (WWT): The Higher the Number, the greater the weaning weight of calves.

Yearling Weight (YWT): The Higher the Number, the greater the yearling weight.

Scrotal Circumference (SC): A Higher Score Equates to Higher Scrotal Size. The difference in scrotal size is an indication of fertility in replacement females.


Hot Carcass Weight (HCW): Hot carcass weight is the hot or unchilled weight of the carcass after slaughter and the removal of the head, hide, intestinal tract and internal organ.

Fat Thickness (FAT): Higher thickness scores equate to a lower lean yield. Fat thickness is scored as depth of fat in inches over the rib eye muscle at the 12th rib.

Tenderness (TEND): Higher Score is Desired. An animal’s genetic potential for carcass tenderness (measured by Warner-Bratzler shear force test).

USDA Marbling (MARB): Higher Score is Desired. Marbling score indicates the degree of marbling in the rib eye at the 12th rib expressed in USDA marbling units.
Bovine Congestive Heart Failure

BCHF Breeding Rank (BCHF): Lower Score is Desired. Indicates greater probability that an animal will pass down genes with lesser chance for Bovine Congestive Heart Failure in the feedlot.



 Igenity Beef scores of the prospective Fall Sale Bulls - lot numbers could change

Igenity Beef scores of the prospective Spring Sale Bulls - lot numbers could change


The catalog will be available on https://www.pasturetopublish.com website March 1st.
For a printed sale catalog please Email janssen@greengardenangus



It all began with the purchase of two Angus heifers in 1932 from Henry Shroeder in Lorraine and has evolved into a 350 mother cow herd. Beginning with calving ease, carcass composition, feed efficiency and cost of production, we have been using the technology available in the industry to select for the best complete cow herd.
Our goal is to provide you with problem free seedstock that will give you the most profit. Not every bull fits every program, so we strive to give you the most information possible for you to make your selection.

For more information call the office at 785-472-8763, Ben at 785-472-1164, or Email janssen@greengardenangus.com